Lunch, music, games and prizes highlighted CSUSB’s second annual Employee Appreciation Picnic on the Pfau Library lawn. The games included a watermelon eating contest, a human foosball tournament and croquet.
As part of the celebration, the campus divisions held a friendly competition of food donations to benefit the CSUSB food pantry, the Obershaw DEN, for students in need.
By the end of the picnic, the pantry had received 3,365 pounds of actual food and supplies, along with cash and gift card donations totaling $2,166, which, broken down into food contributions, totaled 1,083 pounds for an overall total of 4,448 pounds.
First place was taken by the President’s Office and the University Advancement division with an overall contribution of 1,117 pounds of food and supplies.
To ensure fairness in the competition because of the varying number of employees per division, the total contribution tally was based on the contributed weight of contributed food per division divided by the number of employees in the division.