Joe Gutierrez | Office of Strategic Communication | (909) 537-3007 |

Hyunkyoung Oh, a professor of kinesiology at Cal State San Bernardino and the faculty director of the Center for International Studies & Programs, has been appointed as the interim director and chief executive officer of Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars.
Phi Beta Delta is recognized worldwide as the premier international education honor society and is the first honor society in the United States dedicated to recognizing individuals who have demonstrated scholarly achievement in the areas of international education and exchange.
The honor society was founded at California State University, Long Beach in 1986, and was established as an organization in 1987 with 38 chartered chapters, many of which had existed for a considerable time previously at the local level.
It is the first honor society dedicated to recognizing scholarly achievement in international education. As of March 2021, 206 chapters have been chartered. Phi Beta Delta is an academic and professional society, unique because it is resolutely interdisciplinary and international. Its formal organization brought together numerous pre-existing internally-oriented campus groups.
Since July 2011, CSUSB has been the headquarters of Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars.
Oh is the coordinator of the Adapted Physical Education Credential Program in the kinesiology department. Her specialized area is adapted physical education (APE) and pedagogy. Oh’s research focuses on both the APE and general physical education teacher education, behavioral research that includes learners with disabilities with challenging behaviors, teacher self-efficacy, and teachers’ emotional reactions toward learners’ challenging behavior.
Prior to joining CSUSB, Oh was a program coordinator of an adapted physical education program at Indiana University, where she earned her doctorate in human performance.
Oh received the prestigious Patricia Austin award from the North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (NAFAPA) for outstanding dissertation research in fall 2006. Her primary responsibilities are advancing campus internationalization with an emphasis on implementing CSUSB strategic goals for student and faculty success. She is currently co-chair of American Council on Education internationalization Lab project.
Oh served in many leadership roles including, program chair, the National Adapted Physical Education Conference in 2010; chair, Awards, and Scholarships Committee in the California State Council on Adapted Physical Education; CSU’s Adapted Physical Education Coordinator representative, the California State Council on Adapted Physical Education; and board member for the International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA) and NAFAPA.
For more information, visit the Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars website.