Meredith Conroy (political science) participated in a live chat analyzing the GOP’s Iowa caucuses, Brian Levin (criminal justice, emeritus) pointed to inconsistencies in the reporting of hate crimes, Stuart Sumida (biology) was a panelist at an LA Comic Con presentation, and Lisa Looney, Eugene Wong and Kevin Rosales (child development) led a team that published a study on the effectiveness of computerized cognitive training.

Alicia Gutierrez-Romine (history) was interviewed about her book, "From Back Alley to the Border," Brian Levin (criminal justice emeritus) discussed the increase of hate crimes in the U.S. amid the Israel-Hamas war, Kenneth Shultz (psychology) co-wrote a chapter in a newly published book on social media, and Kevin Rosales, Lisa Looney and Eugene Wong (all child development), published research papers in academic journals.