Carolyn Eggleston (education, emerita), Laura Woodney (physics) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) are included in news media coverage on various topics.

California Forward spoke to Carolyn Eggleston, the program administrator for the Cal State Reentry Initiative and professor of special education, rehabilitation and counseling, about the CSRI’s work.

Project Rebound, the campus-based re-entry program for the formerly incarcerated that assists them as students at Cal State San Bernardino, will host an orientation on Tuesday, Oct. 24, for those interested in participating in the program.

Psychology professors Laura Kamptner and Faith McClure, sociology assistant professor Annika Anderson, education professor Carolyn Eggleston, and communication studies professor Ahlam Muhtaseb are highlighted by news media.

Cal State San Bernardino’s WorkAbility IV will host a panel discussion at noon Thursday, Nov. 2, in the Lower Commons Pine Room, for students interested in a career in education.

Details of the new program, the Sheriff’s Parole-Reintegration Program, will be unveiled when CSRI hosts an open house at its new San Bernardino location.

In addition to presenting the documentary by Shakti Butler, Project Rebound will host an orientation session sponsored by the Osher Adult Re-Entry Student Success Center.