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August 26, 2019

Aug. 26, 2019
Alemayehu G. Mariam, professor emeritus of political science at Cal State San Bernardino, wrote in his weekly column: “Last week, Sudan was pulled from the brink of disaster when the ‘military council and the main opposition coalition...

August 26, 2019

Agu. 22, 2019
David Neiwert wrote: “The toxic plague of red-pilled young men inspired by insane conspiracy theories to commit horrifying acts of mass murder and random violence is now reaching a fever stage: In the past month alone, there have been...

August 26, 2019

Aug. 23, 2019
An article about recent arrests that authorities say prevents mass shootings, the British news site reported that “Experts say public awareness has been increased by recent incidents and prompted people to be more willing to report the...

August 26, 2019

Aug. 26, 2019
A Nov. 28 incident was one of a record 204 suspected hate crimes in the capital last year. The true number is probably higher because, experts say, many hate crimes are not reported to police. Even so, the District of Columbia has the...

August 26, 2019

Aug. 26, 2019
Ever since a young racist slaughtered 22 at a Texas Walmart Inc. store, and another man murdered 10 in Ohio three weekends ago, the FBI has arrested at least seven right-wing extremists in what appears to be a more earnest effort to...

August 26, 2019

Following the recent mass shootings in Gilroy, Calif., El Paso, Texas, and Dayton Ohio, Mike Colagrossi wrote that “the conversation has begun to evolve into a new direction. No longer will the public or the punditry accept the blanket blame on video...

August 26, 2019

Aug. 22, 2019
Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, was a guest on “Press Play with Madeline Brand” to discuss the incident involving teens in Garden Grove who gave Nazi...

August 26, 2019

Aug. 23, 2019
Two Cal State San Bernardino students who were once homeless were the focus of an article on the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health High Desert Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Center. The students, who were identified...

August 26, 2019

Aug. 22, 2019
As the number of electric vehicles on the road is expected to grow to about 18 million by 2030, the need for the power grid and transportation infrastructure to keep pace will be the focus of the Regional Mobility Dialogue Series of the...

August 26, 2019

Aug. 25, 2019
Marcus James, a graduate of Cal State San Bernardino, and colleague Jonathan Keck were named Apple Distinguished Educators – the onlyiInland teachers and two of the few in the state to be honored. They were recognized for their ongoing...

August 26, 2019

Aug. 23, 2019
Ten Cal State San Bernardino alumni were honored at Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes’ (D-San Bernardino) 30 Under 30 Award Ceremony & Art Showcase on Aug. 17 in downtown San Bernardino.
The 30 Under 30 program was established by former...

August 22, 2019

Aug. 22, 2019
A visit to an orphanage in Soweto became the emotional highlight of a study abroad trip to South Africa this summer by a group of Cal State San Bernardino students and their faculty adviser.
With funds donated by CSUSB President Tomás D...