Kelly Campbell (psychology), John Winslade (special education, rehabilitation and counseling) and James Estes (finance) share their expertise with various online news sites.

The university will surpass 100,000 graduates during its five commencement ceremonies on Thursday and Saturday, June 14 and 16, when more than 3,500 students are expected to participate.

Brian Levin (criminal justice) is interviewed for a story on how three men may have been motivated by social media to plot a hate crime, and Bob Knop (music) will direct the CSUSB Jazz Ensemble at a concert later in June.

The CSUSB Palm Desert Campus will honor Timothy Castro, Outstanding Graduate Student, and Kaela A. Bonafede, as its Outstanding Undergraduate Student on Thursday, June 14.

A lifestyle website interviewed Kelly Campbell (psychology) about “breadcrumbing,” the electronic form of leading someone on, and how to spot it and deal with it.

The Palm Desert Campus Commencement at The Show at the Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa in Rancho Mirage will be the first of five graduation ceremonies, with the remainder set for Saturday, June 16.

Sam Worrall, Outstanding Graduate Student in psychology, and Nathaly Beltran, Outstanding Undergraduate Student in social work, will be recognized at the college ceremony at 8 a.m. Saturday at Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario.

Comm studies students of Lilana Conlisk Gallegos shared a multi-media project on diversity, Kate Liszka wrote on her preservation work in Egypt, and anthropology professor emerita Frances Berdan contributed to research on turquoise in Mesoamerica.

Four ceremonies for the university’s five academic colleges will take place beginning at 8 a.m. on Saturday. The Palm Desert Campus held its commencement on June 14.