An article co-written by Abhilasha Srivastava (economics) was cited in an editorial about outlawing caste-based discrimination, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed for articles on the killing of a Cedar Glen merchant who flew a pride flag outside her store.

Three university-wide awards – Distinguished Alumni, Emerging Leader and Coyote Spirit – will be presented, as well as the Paw Print Awards, which honor esteemed alumni from each of the university’s five colleges.

Brian Levin, who also is a member of the Commission on the State of Hate, will present the center’s report in the 10:30 a.m. session, Friday, Aug. 25. The presentation, which will be his last as director of CSUSB’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism that he founded 24 years ago, as he retires from the post and turns over the center's operations to Steven Merrall.

Marc Robinson (history) discussed his forthcoming book, “Washington State Rising: Black Power on Campus in the Pacific Northwest,” and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was quoted in an article about a hate crime targeting a church in Newtown, Conn.

Mihaela Popescu (communication studies) discussed the new CSUSB-Annenberg Pipeline Program with the Annenberg School for Communication, Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) introduced the new Entrepreneurial Resource Center, a partnership with the city of San Bernardino, Andrea Giuffren (criminal justice) coauthored a study on the long-term impact of juvenile crime, and Donna Garcia (psychology) coauthored research on claims of bias by “high-status” groups.

The program aims to increase the number of promising doctoral students applying for future California State University faculty positions by offering financial assistance in the form of a loan and mentorship by CSU faculty.

Annika Anderson (sociology), Rigaud Joseph (social work) and Paul Jones (social work lecturer) of CSUSB’s Project Rebound published a paper on the efficacy of programs that provide support services to formerly incarcerated college students, and Enrique Murillo Jr. (education) was mentioned in an article about the naming of LEAD Summit XII’s honorary chairs.

Meredith Conroy (political science) cowrote an article on how Republican male candidates have been trying to portray their masculinity, Ethel Mickey (sociology) was coauthor of a study that examined “Narratives of Unanticipated Consequences in Gendered and Racialized Departmental Service, Promotion, and Voting” among faculty, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed about the arrest of a suspected white supremacist whose home was found with multiple weapons.

The National Science Foundation awarded the grant to the university’s School of Computer Science and Engineering, which will use it to provide scholarships, mentorships and experiential learning opportunities for low-income and underrepresented students, and to meet a growing need for talented computer professionals in the region.