Eric Vogelsang (sociology) co-authored a paper on what social determinants motivate people to get the shingles vaccine, Anthony Silard (public administration) wrote the second part of his four-part series, “Is Life a Solo Journey?” and Brian Levin (criminal justice) continues to speak on the continuing surge of hate crimes against Asian Americans.

In addition to the two published papers, Eric Vogelsang, who is also director of the Center on Aging at CSUSB, will make an online presentation at the Lewis School of Health Sciences at Clarkson University on Wednesday, March 24.

Jacob D. Jones (psychology) and Christopher R. Hill (kinesiology) were on a CSUSB Center on Aging team that recently published research on Parkinson’s disease, physical activity and cognitive impairment; Kimberly Collins (public administration), director of the Barbara and William Leonard Transportation Center, and graduate assistant Danny Chung, discussed insuring high-risk drivers.

Eric Vogelsang, a CSUSB assistant professor of sociology, is quoted in an article about career changes by people who reach 40 years or older.