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Black History Month

Daniel E. Walker
February 4, 2021

At a time when race relations are highly charged in the United States, Daniel E. Walker’s presentation is timely. The program is set for noon, Tuesday, Feb. 9, on Zoom, and is co-sponsored by the University Diversity Committee’s Conversations on Diversity Series and the Programming Subcommittee of the President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Board.

“Personal to Political: Celebrating the African American Artists of Paulson Fontaine Press,” goes on display virtually at RAFFA from Feb. 6-April 10.
February 2, 2021

In celebration of Black History Month, the Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art presents “Personal to Political: Celebrating the African American Artists of Paulson Fontaine Press.” The exhibition will be on display virtually starting Saturday, Feb. 6.

February 2, 2021

As part of our celebration of Black History Month, take a look back when Janice Bryant Howroyd, the founder and chief executive officer of The ActOne Group, presided over the awards gala that took place on Nov. 21.

Daria Graham
January 31, 2021

As part of our celebration of Black History Month, take a look back when veteran educator and administrator Daria Graham from the University of Dayton was named CSUSB’s dean of students and associate vice president of Student Affairs.

CSUSB celebrates Black History Month
February 26, 2021

The Pioneer Scholarship Celebration will take place virtually at 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 26, featuring a Student Showcase Competition, Scholarship Presentations for namesake scholarships, and a Student Speaker. RSVP at the Pioneer Scholarship Celebration webinar registration page.    

March 9, 2020

Mildred Dalton Henry (education, emerita) was honored by students at the school named for her, and Barbara Sirotnik (director of the Institute of Applied Research) comments on the latest Purchasing Managers Index for the region.

March 6, 2020

See how “We Define the Future” in this latest edition of Inside CSUSB, an informative video series highlighting the latest events and exceptional achievements here at Cal State San Bernardino.

Eighth Annual Pioneer Breakfast
March 2, 2020

With the theme “Leading a Legacy to Black Excellence,” the CSUSB Black Faculty, Staff and Student Association held its 8th Annual Pioneer Breakfast on Feb. 28.

February 27, 2020

CSUSB alumnus and founder of OddBalls, Nicholas Akingbemi, has made it his mission to help shape the future of the next generation of service leaders.