Discounting a Grade with a Repeated Course
Grade forgiveness is the process whereby a new grade replaces a former grade when calculating GPA. The first attempt will remain on the transcript, with a footnote indicating the course has been repeated and the grade discounted (replaced). The first attempt will not be calculated in the GPA or units earned.
Effective Fall 2009 Term
For Undergraduates
Undergraduate students may request a grade forgiveness (discount of a grade) in a repeated course by petition only. Courses may only be repeated if the grade earned is less than a "C". Petitions for Grade Forgiveness should be filed after completion of the course used to replace the previous course. A course may be repeated for grade forgiveness no more than once. If a "C" or better was previously earned in the course you are attempting to repeat, you will be prevented from enrolling or dropped from this class.
Please Note: You may only replace the grade for the same or equivalent course. However, due to the quarter to semester conversion, an exception for an alternate course may be considered. The exception and pre-approval of completing an alternate course may be considered an appropriate repeat of a course that is no longer offered by CSUSB due to the semester conversion. Students may take a different course with similar content with the approval of the department chair of the original course. The number of units earned and calculated will be based on the new course. Repeat limits still apply.
The Petition for Grade Forgiveness Request can be submitted online via the Student Center in myCoyote. Please see the "Petition for Grade Forgiveness Guide" for instructions on how to submit an online request. If you no longer have access to myCoyote, it may be necessary to submit the petition through our online process.
Petition for Grade Forgiveness Tutorial Online Petition for Grade Forgiveness
For Post-baccalaureate
Unclassified Post-baccalaureate students who are taking courses at CSUSB that are not part of a graduate degree program and not pursuing any degree objective are subject to the same repeat of courses regulations as undergraduates. However, any grade earned at CSUSB that is repeated as a unclassified post-baccalaureate will not replace the grade in the student's undergraduate record. Complete the form Petition for Discount of Previous Grade that can be obtained from the department of the student's major or from the Office of Graduate Studies (CE-356). Two signatures of approval are required; the Graduate Program Coordinator and the Dean of Graduate Studies.
Conditionally Classified and Classified students (pursuing a Master's degree) may be permitted to repeat one course at CSUSB that was taken for graduate credit at CSUSB. Only one discount is allowed as a classified student. The form Petition for Discount of Previous Grade can be obtained from the department of the student's major or from the Office of Graduate Studies (CE-356). Two signatures of approval are required; the Graduate Program Coordinator and the Dean of Graduate Studies.
Classified Postbaccalaureate students (officially admitted to teaching credential programs) may be permitted to repeat one course at CSUSB that was taken for graduate credit at CSUSB. Only one discount is allowed as a classified student. The form Petition for Discount of Previous Grade can be obtained from the department of the student's major or from the Office of Graduate Studies (CE-356). Two signatures of approval are required; the Graduate Program Coordinator and the Dean of Graduate Studies.