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December 14, 2017

Research led by Kelly Campbell, a CSUSB associate professor of psychology, was highlighted in an article about why some people seem to make friends with almost everyone they meet.

December 21, 2017

Richard Addante, an assistant professor of psychology, was interviewed about the important role of cognitive neuroscience in deep-space missions. Addante was a crewmember on HERA XIV, a simulated space mission, this past summer.

January 22, 2018

The expertise David Yaghoubian (history), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and a study by Daniel MacDonald and Yasemin Dildar (economics) were highlighted by news media over the weekend.

CSUSB News slide
February 8, 2018

Cal State San Bernardino will be upgraded to a 100 gigabyte link to the nonprofit California Research and Education Network.

February 22, 2018

Timothy Usher, a Cal State San Bernardino professor of physics and director Center Advanced Functional Materials, and some of his students talk about the research they do.

32nd Annual CSU Student Research Competition
March 7, 2018

The Office of Student Research has announced the 11 Cal State San Bernardino students who will represent the university at the 32nd Annual CSU Student Research Competition hosted by Sacramento State University on May 4 and 5.

Some 22 faculty, staff and students at CSUSB took advantage of a three-day institute to learn R, a programming environment used primarily for computational statistics
March 22, 2018

Some 22 faculty, staff and students at CSUSB took advantage of a three-day institute to learn “R,” a programming environment used primarily for computational statistics, which was facilitated by Michael Tsiang, who teaches statistics at UCLA.

March 27, 2018

Alexandru Roman (public administration) is interviewed about unique public-private partnerships, and Eric Scott (adjunct, biology) spoke about his research on prehistoric horses at a Canadian natural history museum.

NASA’s Human Exploration Research
April 6, 2018

Richard Addante will present “Come Learn About NASA’s Human Exploration Research Analog Experiment,” April 19 from noon to 1:30 the Faculty Center for Excellence in the John M. Pfau Library.